Parental Relocation In California
In today’s challenging economy, it is not uncommon for parents to look outside their current location for job opportunities. Often, those new opportunities require a relocation to another city, county or state. When this happens, it is wise to seek the counsel of a knowledgeable lawyer who can protect your rights and help you through the process.
At the Law and Mediation Office of Jennifer M. Sullivan in Roseville, California, attorney Sullivan has more than 25 years of experience helping clients through all types of divorce and post-judgment issues. Clients trust Jennifer Sullivan to help them understand their rights and options and to help them get the results they need.
Changing A Parenting Plan
Ideally, parents would remain in the same area in the years following a divorce. The reality is that people need to move for a variety of reasons. Many parents will verbally work out the details and gain agreement regarding a move. Unfortunately, if an argument arises weeks, months or years later, there is no legal agreement documenting the terms of the modification.
Jennifer Sullivan understands that parents will first attempt to resolve the issue themselves. These verbal agreements are good because they can be achieved quickly. It is always wise, however, to follow the proper legal process to ensure that the agreement is legally binding. Often, a skilled California attorney can anticipate problems or obstacles and work verbiage into the modification that avoids these difficulties.
Contact The Firm
To schedule a confidential consultation with an experienced and compassionate lawyer, contact or call the Law and Mediation Office of Jennifer M. Sullivan. Jennifer Sullivan is available to meet with clients Monday through Thursday. Visa and MasterCard are accepted as payment.