The Help You Need
Through The Divorce Process

Protecting your child from the stress of divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 13, 2024 | Firm News

Divorce can be challenging, especially when children are involved. Most parents express concern over how their children will react and manage during and after divorce, and even though kids are resilient, it is essential to acknowledge that this is a hard time for them and to do what you can to help them get through it.


Children thrive on stability and routine; change can make them uncertain and scared. Ensure you constantly reassure them and keep a stable routine, so they do not feel like their world is falling apart. If you share custody, communicate openly with the other parent to devise a plan where the child can have similar routines in both homes.


Your child may have questions and want to express their feelings about the divorce, which is sometimes uncomfortable for parents because they feel guilty and helpless. However, you are critical in this process, and your child needs you. Speak with them in a calm environment, with candor and empathy for what they are going through.


Encourage your child’s relationship with the other parent. Remember that the divorce is between the two parents and not the children, and in most cases, children already feel guilty even though they are never at fault. Ensuring the child has a solid connection to both parents helps them feel grounded and stable.

Professional help

If needed, seek professional help from a counselor, therapist or attorney who can give you resources. They understand what you are going through and can guide you in the right direction.

Even though divorce is never easy, many parents have gone through it before you, and many will after you. Children heal with time. Remember that nothing can replace your presence, so remain connected with your child, and you will see that they will continue to thrive.